Hue Hearing Review #1 - Excelant hearing aids


Excelant hearing aids

When I received my hearing aids and put them on I couldn't believe how much I missed around me. I could hear what people were saying to me without the mush that seemed to go along with trying to hear. Constantly going Huh? Huh? I literally had to have people face me and I would have to listen very closely to hear them. Admittedly I was hesitant when I ordered my hearing aids because of the price. You know the old saying "beware if the price seems to good to be true" Well I was wondering what I would get. They are great. The hearing aids are definitely worth the wait and the money. If anyone ask me about Huehearing I certainly will send them. I can hear again! There is something in self esteem that goes along with being able to hear normally again.

David W.


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